Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prophecy I am prophet: TERESA AQUINO.*

year was 2005.
 Me: TERESA AQUINO, prophet of the Lord, I was taken by Spirit in the clouds, it was like flying in air, grabbing the trip up, I saw the following vision.I saw a Lion has came flying in front of me on the clouds, and clutched his way underneath, I saw the sight amazed.When I returned clutching my bed of rest, listen to talk with me and his exact words were as follows,and said:Something big is coming to the earth.It was an ad for a great judgment.Me: TERESA AQUINO, in full possession of my mental faculties, was seen and heard these words from the Lord and are faithful and true.It constituted, vile and contemptible before my God, that is: THE ALMIGHTY, THE SQUADS MY PEOPLE.SAYS HE SAID, THE LORD I AM THE LORD YOUR LORD.I am: TERESA AQUINO, which testifies to these things will happen very soon!.

What or who is the Antichrist? Is it a partnership or an individual evil sinister? Some say his appearance is something that is still in the future. Others say it came in the days of ancient Rome. However, the Bible says that he is alive today! Bible prophecies indicate that the Antichrist will play a significant role in the final events of planet earth. Do you know who is he? Are you sure? You must be very sure, because you can not understand the prophecies of the last days until you have correctly identified this evil power. Prepare to study one of the most intriguing Study Guides around the course!
This Study Guide, based on Daniel chapter 7, clearly and undoubtedly identifies the Antichrist. But it is only an introduction.Future lessons will reveal details of various activities that will have a global impact. What can today discover that you like or sad, but please remember that the prophecy of Daniel 7 comes from Jesus, who loves you. Pray that God will lead him to explore this urgent issue. First read Daniel 7 before studying this guide.
In Daniel 7:4 says << >>The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings. As I watched, its wings were torn off, was lifted from the ground and placed on two feet like a man, and was given a human heart. 

The 4 beasts vision of Daniel chapter 7 are commonly explained as follows:

            Lion       =   Babylonian Empire
            Bear       =   Medo-Persian Empire
            Leopard    =   Greek Empire
            4th Beast  =   Roman Empire

This explanation of the four beasts prophecy is easily derived. In fact
it is so easily derived that anyone with a basic grasp of history (or of
Daniel chapter 8) could have easily reached this arrangement as soon as
the Roman Empire appeared on the scene (more than 2,100 years ago).

Nevertheless, Daniel 12:4 & 9 indicate that the true meaning of all
Daniel's prophecies were 'shut up' and 'sealed'. Hidden from view until
'the time of the end'. 

Scholars, have is seems, been blinded to the fact that the Daniel 7
prophecy and its supplied interpretation (Dan 7:15-27) were disguising
a more important deeper meaning. The surface teaching, presenting a
progression of 4 kingdoms of mankind, was hiding a documenting of the
progression of God's kingdoms.    

The need to correctly identifying God's intended meaning for Daniel
chapter 7 can be more readily realised when one stops to consider
that the 7 heads presented (lion 1, bear 1, leopard 4, last beast 1)
are likely to correspond to the 7 heads of the Dragon and/or the 
7 heads of the Scarlet Beast (refer to Revelation chapters 12 & 17).  

To help us understand God's deeper teaching for the Daniel 7 prophecy
it is necessary to consider how it starts;

    Dan    7:2   ... the four winds of heaven were stirring
                 up the Great Sea.
            :3   And four great beasts came up from the sea,
                 each different from the other.

I am prophet: TERESA AQUINO.*

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