What are the wisdom or wisdom books and genres that deal?
Educational Books ( Wisdom and Poetical ).
Instructional Books:
There are seven
1. Five Wisdom : Job , Proverbs, Ecclesiasticus , Ecclesiastes and Wisdom.
They contain very wise moral and religious teachings in the form of judgments , hence its name of wisdom .
Two . Two poetry : Psalms and Song of Songs:
I. Job
in it the problem of pain, evil and good is vented . And we discuss
whether alleged divine providence that the Lord has with all men, the
just must wait for the only awards in the afterlife or in this . And
also, if the evils and goods the indifferently God allows good and bad ,
as its hidden mysteries.
II . proverbs:
There are various
ways in which a moral teaching by an ingenious way and sometimes spicy
presented . They are rules of thumb to take a prudent , discreet, honest
and useful life. There are guidelines for all: young and old, rich and
poor, masters and servants , parents and children , husbands and wives ,
judges and kings.
The keynote of the book is in this sentence : "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom ."
The term "fear" means respect , filial obedience. Mentioned 14 times in this book .
III . Ecclesiastes ( Kohelet ):
is so called because it became widely read in the early Christian
church ( " ecclesia "). Ecclesiastes is the Hebrew name that means
"preacher" . Key expressions in it , as " vanity, interest , penalty,
work , worry under the sun , joy, happiness , pleasure ... " Some of
them, like " vanity of vanities " , cited 34 times, and "under the sun "
31 times .
It is the confession or the cry of a man who after
having enjoyed all that he could, manages to see the reality of what
life is outdated and just tired of that life.
The conclusion is logical : only God can fill the empty innermost man .
IV. Ecclesiasticus (Ben Sirach )
purpose of this book is to guide life in harmony with the law . There
are tips in this book that have nothing to envy to modern education
manuals . But above all human counsel , the book emphasizes the
importance of morality and religion as a basis for better education of
the man.
V. wisdom:
A reflection on the major issues that
caused concern to every Israelite . The wisdom here is not simple human
knowledge of the things of this world , but a gift of God that always
has the benchmark . It refers not only theoretical aspects but is very
practical . You must teach man how to sort your life.
Not only for the individual but for society . Therefore, this wisdom must seek above all the rulers.
This book is like a bridge between the OT and the NT by two elements:
a. the wisdom hypostatized
b . eternal life
VI . Psalms:
150 hymns are to be sung in praise of God .
They are divided into different classes according to the feelings that predominate in them :
a. laudatory : praise God for His infinite perfections
b . Eucharistic : Thanksgiving for their benefits
c . impetratorios : confident and earnest request
d . teaching : moral education
e . gradual : willing to be sung whenever the Israelites on their way to temple
f . penitential : repentance and forgiveness
g . Historic : poetic narrations of key events
h . prophetic or messianic : concerning the future Messiah
VII. The Song of Songs :
The title answers a way of expressing their superlative in Hebrew language and mean "the most beautiful poems ."
is certainly an allegory involving two characters , Solomon , male name
applicable to the husband, and the Shulamite , female name that
represents the wife.
The theme is love of both spouses . But a
faithful , exclusive, self-giving love . Subject , written precisely at a
time when polygamy was acquired almost universal dimensions .
Therefore, the experts say that this work is a protest song against infidelity and polygamy.
He wrote:
On Sunday, February 9, 2014.
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